We are in the midst of rapid global social and industrial changes. This will continue to accelerate over the coming years as climate change and the effects of Industry 4.0 impact lives across the world. We provide support with consultancy, strategy and practical solutions to help meet the challenges of the future through developing essential ‘future skills’ to meet the challenges that lay ahead for us all.
We can help with:
-Future Skills Strategy at institutional and regional levels
-Transnational education partnerships for future skills
-Embedding skills for sustainability and social equality into curriculums and workforce development planning
-Skills for mass carbon reduction and green skills-developing standalone programmes or embedding as core skills for different curriculums and sectors
-Industry 4.0 response-developing a vocational approach to developing skills to meet new demand
-Embedding skills for entrepreneurship and innovation across education and workforce development planning
-Strategy to support greater accessibility and social equality for vocational education and workforce development initiatives
-Strategy for implementation and scale up of future skills initiatives